Professional Testimonies

“The feedback received from clients about these counselors is consistently positive and reassuring. There is a caring comfort found in the practice at Birch Lake Counseling felt by their clients.”

“Linnea and Birch Lake Counseling have consistently counseled people with a level of compassion and excellence that is second to none.”

“The clients which we have referred to Lisa have been very happy with her and always look forward to the next visit.”

“Linnea and Lisa consistently challenge themselves learning new and proven counseling techniques to advance their counseling skills.”

“The clinic’s location is an added benefit in that you are between two major resource centers, Brainerd and Bemidji, offering a mental health practice located in the central part of our county. This has allowed several of our clients to receive therapeutic services that otherwise they may not have been able to access.”

Client Testimonies

“I no longer have intrusive memories attacking me around every corner.”

“I have found freedom from guilt.”

“I have learned to set healthy boundaries with my family.”

“I have learned how to forgive.”

“I’m not so angry anymore.”

“I am no longer afraid to be happy.”

“I’m learning to trust again.”

“I’m learning how to internalize healthy limits.”

“It feels so good to have found the courage to finally address my issues.”

“Having learned effective communication has given our marriage new life.”

Contact us to set an appointment and experience your own positive life change!

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